Считывание и установка позиции скроллбаров у формы MS Access (API)По материалам: http://am.rusimport.ru/MsAccess/topic.aspx?id=237 Описание:
Private Sub Button2_Click() Dim v As Long, h As Long Dim lHWnd As Long lHWnd = Me.hWnd Me.Painting = False GetScrollBarPos lHWnd, v, h 'Запоминаем If IsNull(Me.TextBox2) Then Me.TextBox2 = "Сurrent ScrollPos: v = " & v & ", h = " & h Else Me.TextBox2 = Me.TextBox2 & vbNewLine & "Сurrent ScrollPos: v = " & v & ", h = " & h End If Me.Requery 'Обновляем SetScrollBarPos lHWnd, v, h 'Восстанавлмваем Me.Painting = True End Sub
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name : modFormsScrollBarPosition_API ' Kind : Module ' Purpose : Считывание и установка позиции скроллбаров у (ленточной) формы Access после её обновления ' Author 00 : am (aka Андрей Митин) 02.09.2013 ' : mailto: a_mitin@ mail.ru ' Author 02 : es (совсем чуток подправил + малость адаптировал для MSO x64) ' Date LE : 20.10.2019 - 11.07.2001 v004 ' Link 00 : http://am.rusimport.ru/MsAccess/topic.aspx?ID=237 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'GetScrollBarPosV Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Const WM_VSCROLL = &H115 Private Const WM_HSCROLL = &H114 Private Const GW_CHILD = 5 Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 Private Const GWL_STYLE = (-16) Private Const SBS_HORZ = &H0& Private Const SBS_VERT = &H1& Private Const SBS_SIZEBOX = &H8& Private Const SB_CTL = 2 Private Const SB_THUMBPOSITION = 4 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetClassName Lib "User32" Alias "GetClassNameA" _ (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As LongPtr) As Long Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindow Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long #If VBA7 Then #If Win64 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "User32" Alias "GetWindowLongPtrA" _ (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIndex As Long) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "User32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIndex As Long) As LongPtr #End If #Else Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "User32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long #End If Private Declare PtrSafe Function SendMessageLong& Lib "User32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hWnd&, ByVal message&, ByVal wParam&, lParam As Any) Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetScrollPos Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal nBar As Long) As Long 'Не используется пока 'Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetScrollPos Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nBar As Long, ByVal nPos As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Long) As LongPtr Private Function GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND As Long, SB_Type As Integer) As Long 'Получаем hwnd скролбара формы если они есть конечно 'SB_Type=1 = вертик. скроллбар, SB_Type=0 + горизонт. скроллбар '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim hwndChild As Long Dim sVal As String Dim Style As LongPtr '& Dim iAccessVer%, sSubWindowName$ iAccessVer = CInt(Mid(Application.Version, 1, 2)) 'Для 2010 акцесса строку надо заменить ... "NUIScrollbar" = Done! :) If iAccessVer < 14 Then 'Для MSO 2007 и ниже sSubWindowName = "SCROLLBAR" Else 'Для MSO 2010 и выше sSubWindowName = "NUIScrollbar" 'Для 2010 акцесса и выше End If 'Находим всех детей формы - и ищем скроллбары hwndChild = GetWindow(FormHWND, GW_CHILD) If hwndChild = 0 Then GetSB_Hwnd = 0 Else Do sVal = wndClassName(hwndChild) If StrComp(sVal, sSubWindowName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'это скролбар - проверим тип Style = GetWindowLong(hwndChild, GWL_STYLE) If (Style And SBS_SIZEBOX) = False And (Style And &H1) = SBS_HORZ Then 'горизонтальный If SB_Type = 0 Then 'нашли GetSB_Hwnd = hwndChild ' GetScrollPos(hwndChild, SB_CTL) Exit Function End If End If If (Style And &H1) = SBS_VERT Then 'вертикильный If SB_Type = 1 Then 'нашли GetSB_Hwnd = hwndChild 'GetScrollPos(hwndChild, SB_CTL) Exit Function End If End If End If hwndChild = GetWindow(hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT) Loop While hwndChild <> 0 End If End Function Public Sub GetScrollBarPos(FormHWND&, ByRef VSB_Pos&, ByRef HSB_Pos&) 'Получаем текущее расположение скролбара (если есть) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim hwndVSB As Long Dim hwndHSB As Long On Error GoTo Ex_ hwndHSB = GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND, SBS_HORZ) hwndVSB = GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND, SBS_VERT) If hwndHSB = 0 Then HSB_Pos = 0 Else HSB_Pos = GetScrollPos(hwndHSB, SB_CTL) End If If hwndVSB = 0 Then VSB_Pos = 0 Else VSB_Pos = GetScrollPos(hwndVSB, SB_CTL) End If Ex_: Exit Sub Err_: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Ex_ End Sub Public Function GetScrollBarPosV(FormHWND&) As Long 'Получаем текущее расположение вертикального скролбара (если есть) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim hwndVSB As Long On Error GoTo Ex_ hwndVSB = GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND, SBS_VERT) If hwndVSB = 0 Then GetScrollBarPosV = 0 Else GetScrollBarPosV = GetScrollPos(hwndVSB, SB_CTL) End If Ex_: Exit Function Err_: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Ex_ End Function Public Sub SetScrollBarPos(FormHWND As Long, VSB_Pos As Long, HSB_Pos As Long) 'Устанавливаем расположение скролбара (если есть) 'Если *_Pos < 0 - то не устанавливать этот параметр '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim hwndVSB As Long Dim hwndHSB As Long On Error GoTo Err_ hwndHSB = GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND, SBS_HORZ) hwndVSB = GetSB_Hwnd(FormHWND, SBS_VERT) If hwndHSB <> 0 And HSB_Pos >= 0 Then 'это можно и не делать было бы 'SetScrollPos hwndHSB, SB_CTL, HSB_Pos, 1 Call SendMessageLong&(FormHWND, WM_HSCROLL, (HSB_Pos * 2 ^ 16) Or SB_THUMBPOSITION, 0) End If If hwndVSB <> 0 And VSB_Pos >= 0 Then 'это можно и не делать было бы 'SetScrollPos hwndVSB, SB_CTL, VSB_Pos, 1 Call SendMessageLong&(FormHWND, WM_VSCROLL, (VSB_Pos * 2 ^ 16) Or SB_THUMBPOSITION, 0) End If Ex_: Exit Sub Err_: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Ex_ End Sub Private Function StrZ(par As String) As String Dim nSize As Long, iVal As Long nSize = Len(par) iVal = InStr(1, par, Chr(0)) - 1 If iVal > nSize Then iVal = nSize If iVal < 0 Then iVal = nSize StrZ = Mid(par, 1, iVal) End Function Private Function wndClassName(hWnd As Long) As String Dim sVal As String Dim lVal& sVal = String(128, " ") lVal = GetClassName(hWnd, sVal, 127) wndClassName = StrZ(sVal) End Function MSA-2000 + MSA-2007 ( 84 kB) Пример |
L.E. 25.04.2024 |